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We have many different groups and committees that are a part of our churches.

Official Board: The Official Board includes representatives from all three congregations. They meet four times a year to review what has happened in our Pastoral Charge, and to make decisions about how we want to move into the future.

Session: Session is responsible for the spiritual life of the church, making decisions about worship, Christian Education, and pastoral care. Our Session includes representatives from all three congregations, and they usually meet 10 times a year (monthly, between September and June).

Stewards: Each of the three congregations has a Board of Stewards. Stewards are responsible for stewardship - caring for the resources that have been entrusted to us. In all three congregations, this includes our financial resources, and at Westfield it also includes caring for the property and building.

Trustees: Each of the three congregations has a Trustees Committee. Trustees hold the property "in trust" for the church. This includes acting on behalf of the church when buying, selling, or renovating property, and at Bayswater-Summerville and Long Reach, it also includes caring and maintenance of the property and buildings.

Cemetery Committees: As both Bayswater-Summerville and Long Reach have cemeteries on the property, the cemetery committees at these two churches manage the plots, coordinate with the funeral homes and/or families when there is a burial, and care for the property.

Ministry and Personnel Committee: This committee includes representatives from all three congregations, and serves as a personnel committee or human resources committee for the Pastoral Charge. They negotiate contracts with our employees, and conduct annual performance reviews. They can also act as a mediator if there were any conflict in the Pastoral Charge.

Church in the World Committee: This committee includes representatives from all three congregations, and leads our Pastoral Charge in our outreach work, as well as educating our Pastoral Charge about the needs of the world around us.

Affirming Team: This committee includes representatives from all three congregations, and they lead us in our work as an Affirming Community of Faith in the United Church of Canada.

Pastoral Care Team: This is a committee of Westfield United Church, whose members visit our church members who are homebound, in nursing homes, or who are otherwise unable to attend worship.

United Church Women (UCW): This is a group of Westfield United Church women - they describe themselves as "the women of the church, supporting the church" and they do this through fundraisers, hosting community and congregational meals, and finding ways that they can support church members as well as the wider community.

In addition to these church groups and committees, our church buildings also host numerous external groups, including the Summerville Quilters, Scouts Canada, Girl Guides of Canada, TOPS, and the Westfield Art Group.

If you are interested in becoming involved with any of these groups and committees, or if you would like to use our space for a group or event, please contact the Pastoral Charge office.

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